Want to know the secret sexy life of a marketing agency owner? I’m pulling back the curtain.
😘 You spend a ton of time trying to figure out when the money is coming and then when you can pay yourself. There’s a small window when you can pay yourself before everyone needs to be paid again.
😘 A good chunk of the time you’re not doing the version of marketing you and your team want to do. The ideal is taking a client’s vision and enhancing it but often times there’s fear about really going for it so you end up doing a more subdued version of your original plan.
😘 You want to do so much more marketing for your own agency but lack the time and resources and also your team doesn’t respond when you request clips for tiktoks and reels…or is this just me?
😘 It’s generally not as glamorous as you think. I’m usually working in sweatpants and DoorDashing smoothies to my door because I don’t have time for lunch.
In all seriousness, you really really need to love what you do and love the people around you. I admit I haven’t always loved working with all my clients or team members but after 7 years I’m working with the crème de la crème in both areas which is what you get for putting your time in.
I get to dream bigger and have my team teach me new strategies and marketing ideas.
But for every video you see me doing something awesome and amazing, I’m probably also staying in a place overlooking a parking lot too 🙂